Good morning my lovely people and welcome to Kamy's kitchen

Today we are going to prepare native soup and in preparing native soup,we have the following ingredients;

Removable periwinkle 


Dry fish

Smoke fish



Stock fish(okporoko)

Oziza leaf

Fresh crayfish

Water snail

Fresh pepper

Palm oil

Maggi and salt to taste 

 like the way that this native soup looks, tells me it tastes good too. I wanted to try it and post my pics but this looks too good to wait. For those who like very thick soups, you can make this as thick as you want. I like my soups light, a bit watery.


1. Wash cow leg with salt and water scrubbing thoroughly and rinsing for about 4 to 5 times. Wash well and put in the pot you’ll cook the soup. 
2. Cow leg takes time to cook, you may want to cook it soft with a pressure cooker before transferring into the soup pot. Most times I add plenty onions and pepper to help soften it fast. 
3. Add salt and crush in the seasoning cubes when the meat is almost done.
4. Blend onion and peppers together and set aside.
5. Add palm oil and boil for 10 minutes. Add the achi or boiled and pounded cocoyam, 1 tablespoon at a time so you don’t over thicken the soup. 
6. Allow everything to boil for about 10 minutes before adding the shredded uziza leaves. Let it boil again for about 2 to 3 minutes, check for thickness and taste, you can add more salt if needed and soup is ready to be served.
7. Enjoy this Rivers State native soup by Tico, with garri, fufu, semolina, wheat meal, Etc


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